Home > Products > Network Switch > Netgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver Module
              Netgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver Module
              • Netgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver ModuleNetgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver Module
              • Netgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver ModuleNetgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver Module
              • Netgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver ModuleNetgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver Module
              • Netgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver ModuleNetgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver Module

              Netgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver Module

              10Gb/s DWDM SFP+ Transceiver 80KMLADX-DxxS-ZRProduct FeaturesSupports 9.95 to 11.3Gb/s bit ratesHot-PluggableDuplex LC receptacle100GHz ITU Grid, C BandDWDM EML transmitter, APD photo-detectorSMF links up to 80km2-wire interface for management specifications compliant with SFF 8472 digital diagnosti......

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              Product Description

              10Gb/s DWDM SFP+ Transceiver 80KM

              Product Features
              • Supports 9.95 to 11.3Gb/s bit rates
              • Hot-Pluggable
              • Duplex LC receptacle
              • 100GHz ITU Grid, C Band
              • DWDM EML transmitter, APD photo-detector
              • SMF links up to 80km
              • 2-wire interface for management specifications compliant with SFF 8472 digital diagnostic monitoring interface
              • Power Supply :+3.3V
              • Power consumption<1.5W
              • Temperature Range: 0~ +70°C
              • RoHS compliant
              • 10Gbps DWDM Optical systems
              • 10G SONET/SDH, OTU2/2e and 10G FC
              • LTE systems
              • Other Optical links
              • Compliant to SFF-8431
              • RoHS Compliant.

              The SFP+ transceivers are high performance, cost effective modules supporting data rate of 10Gbps and 80km transmission distance with SMF.

              The transceiver consists of three sections: a Cooled EML laser transmitter, an APD photodiode integrated with a trans-impedance preamplifier (TIA) and MCU control unit. All modules satisfy class I laser safety requirements.

              The transceivers are compatible with SFP Multi-Source Agreement and SFF-8472 digital diagnostics functions.

              Absolute Maximum Ratings  
              Storage TemperatureTs-40-+85ºC 
              Relative HumidityRH5-95% 
              Power Supply VoltageVCC-0.3-4V 
              Signal Input Voltage Vcc-0.3-Vcc+0.3V 
              Recommended Operating Conditions
              Case Operating TemperatureTOP0-+70ºCWithout air flow
              Power Supply VoltageVCC3.143.33.47V 
              Power Supply CurrentICC- 450mA 
              Data RateBR 10.312511.3Gbps 
              Transmission DistanceTD -80km 
              Coupled fiberSingle mode fiber9/125um SMF

              Electrical Characteristics
              Supply VoltageVcc3.135 3.465V 
              Supply CurrentIcc  450mA 
              Power ConsumptionP  1.5W 
              Input differential impedanceRin 100 Ω1
              Tx Input Single Ended DC Voltage Tolerance (Ref VeeT)V-0.3 4V 
              Differential input voltage swingVin,pp180 700mV2
              Transmit Disable VoltageVD2 VccV3
              Transmit Enable VoltageVENVee Vee+0.8V 
              Single Ended Output Voltage ToleranceV-0.3 4V 
              Rx Output Diff VoltageVo300 850mV 
              Rx Output Rise and Fall TimeTr/Tf30  ps4
              LOS FaultVLOS fault2 VccHOSTV5
              LOS NormalVLOS normVee Vee+0.8V5
              1. Connected directly to TX data input pins. AC coupling from pins into laser driver IC.
              2. Per SFF-8431 Rev 3.0
              3. Into 100 ohms differential termination.
              4. 20%~80%
              5. LOS is an open collector output. Should be pulled up with 4.7k - 10kΩ on the host board. Normal operation is logic 0; loss of signal is logic 1. Maximum pull-up voltage is 5.5V.

              Optical Characteristics
              Optical Wavelength-End Of Life       λX-100XX+100pm 
              Optical Wavelength-Beginning Of LifeλX-25XX+25pm 
              Average Optical PowerPavg0 +5dBm1
              Laser Off PowerPoff  -30dBm 
              Extinction RatioER8.2  dB 
              Transmitter Dispersion PenaltyTDP  3.0dB2
              Relative Intensity NoiseRin  -128dB/Hz3
              Optical Return Loss Tolerance 20  dB 
              Center Wavelengthλr1480 1565nm 
              Receiver Sensitivity (OMA)Sen  -23dBm4
              Stressed Sensitivity (OMA)SenST  -21dBm4
              Los AssertLOSA-40 -dBm 
              Los DessertLOSD  -24dBm 
              Los HysteresisLOSH0.5  dB 
              OverloadSat-7  dBm5
              Receiver ReflectanceRrx  -12dB 
              1. Average power figures are informative only, per IEEE802.3ae.
              2. TWDP figure requires the host board to be SFF-8431compliant. TWDP is calculated using the Matlab code provided in clause of IEEE802.3ae.
              3. 12dB reflection.
              4. Conditions of stressed receiver tests per IEEE802.3ae. CSRS testing requires the host board to be SFF-8431 compliant.
              5. Receiver overload specified in OMA and under the worst comprehensive stressed condition.

              Timing Characteristics
              TX_Disable Assert Timet_off  10us
              TX_Disable Negate Timet_on  1ms
              Time to Initialize Include Reset of TX_FAULTt_int  300ms
              TX_FAULT from Fault to Assertiont_fault  100us
              TX_Disable Time to Start Resett_reset10  us
              Receiver Loss of Signal Assert Time TA,RX_LOS  100us
              Receiver Loss of Signal Deassert Time Td,RX_LOS  100us
              Rate-Select change Timet_ratesel  10us
              Serial ID Clock Timet_serial-clock  100kHz

              Pin Assignment

              Diagram of Host Board Connector Block Pin Numbers and Name

              Pin Function Definitions
              1VEETTransmitter Ground  (Common with Receiver Ground)1
              2TFAULTTransmitter Fault.2
              3TDISTransmitter Disable. Laser output disabled on high or open.3
              4SDA2-wire Serial Interface Data Line4
              5SCL2-wire Serial Interface Clock Line4
              6MOD_ABSModule Absent. Grounded within the module4
              7RS0RS0 for Rate Select:  Open or Low = Module supports 1.25 Gb/s
              High = Module supports 9.95 Gb/s to 10.3125 Gb/s
              8LOSLoss of Signal indication.  Logic 0 indicates normal operation.6
              9RS1No connection required1
              10VEERReceiver Ground  (Common with Transmitter Ground)1
              11VEERReceiver Ground  (Common with Transmitter Ground)1
              12RD-Receiver Inverted DATA out.  AC Coupled 
              13RD+Receiver Non-inverted DATA out.  AC Coupled 
              14VEERReceiver Ground  (Common with Transmitter Ground)1
              15VCCRReceiver Power Supply 
              16VCCTTransmitter Power Supply 
              17VEETTransmitter Ground  (Common with Receiver Ground)1
              18TD+Transmitter Non-Inverted DATA in. AC Coupled. 
              19TD-Transmitter Inverted DATA in.  AC Coupled. 
              20VEETTransmitter Ground  (Common with Receiver Ground)1
              1. Circuit ground is internally isolated from chassis ground.
              2. TFAULT is an open collector/drain output, which should be pulled up with a 4.7k - 10k Ohms resistor on the host board if intended for use. Pull up voltage should be between 2.0V to Vcc + 0.3V. A high output indicates a transmitter fault caused by either the TX bias current or the TX output power exceeding the preset alarm thresholds.  A low output indicates normal operation. In the low state, the output is pulled to <0.8V.
              3. Laser output disabled on TDIS >2.0V or open, enabled on TDIS <0.8V.
              4. Should be pulled up with 4.7kΩ- 10kΩ host board to a voltage between 2.0V and 3.6V. MOD_ABS pulls line low to indicate module is plugged in.
              5. Transceiver data rate selected through the 2-wire bus in accordance with SFF-8472 Rev. 10.5.  Soft RS0 is set at Bit3, Byte 110, Address A2h.  Soft RS0 default state on power up is '0' LOW, and the state is reset following a power cycle. Writing '1' HIGH selects max data rate operation.  Transceiver data rate is the logic OR of the input state of the RS0 pin and soft RS0 bit.  Thus, if either the RS0 pin OR the soft RS0 bit is HIGH then the selected data rate will be 9.95 and 10.3 Gb/s. 
              6. Loss Of Signal is LVTTL. It should be pulled up with 4.7kΩ - 10kΩ on host board to a voltage between 2.0V and 3.6V. Logic 0 indicates normal operation; logic 1 indicates loss of signal.
              EEPROM Information and Management
              The SFP+ transceivers support the 2-wire serial communication protocol as defined in the SFP MSA.

              The standard SFP serial ID provides access to identification information that describes the transceiver's capabilities, standard interfaces, manufacturer, and other information.

              Additionally, The SFP+ transceivers provide a unique enhanced digital diagnostic monitoring interface, which allows real-time access to device operating parameters such as transceiver temperature, laser bias current, transmitted optical power, received optical power and transceiver supply voltage. It also defines a sophisticated system of alarm and warning flags, which alerts end-users when particular operating parameters are outside of a factory set normal range.

              The SFP MSA defines a 256-byte memory map in EEPROM that is accessible over a 2-wire serial interface at the 8 bit address 1010000X (A0h).The digital diagnostic monitoring interface makes use of the 8 bit address 1010001X (A2h), so the originally defined serial ID memory map remains unchanged.

              The operating and diagnostics information is monitored and reported by a Digital Diagnostics Transceiver Controller (DDTC) inside the transceiver, which is accessed through a 2-wire serial interface. When the serial protocol is activated, the serial clock signal (SCL, Mod Def 1) is generated by the host. The positive edge clocks data into the SFP transceiver into those segments of the E2PROM that are not write-protected. The negative edge clocks data from the SFP transceiver. The serial data signal (SDA, Mod Def 2) is bi-directional for serial data transfer. The host uses SDA in conjunction with SCL to mark the start and end of serial protocol activation. The memories are organized as a series of 8-bit data words that can be addressed individually or sequentially.
              Table 1. Digital Diagnostic Memory Map (Specific Data Field Descriptions)Table 2 - EEPROM Serial ID Memory Contents (A0h)
              Data AddressLength
              Name of
              Description and Contents
              Base ID Fields
              01IdentifierType of Serial transceiver (03h=SFP)
              11ReservedExtended identifier of type serial transceiver (04h)
              21ConnectorCode of optical connector type (07=LC)
              3-108Transceiver10G Base-XX
              121BR, NominalNominal baud rate, unit of 100Mbps
              151Length(9um)Link length supported for 9/125um fiber, units of 100m
              161Length(50um)Link length supported for 50/125um fiber, units of 10m
              171Length(62.5um)Link length supported for 62.5/125um fiber, units of 10m
              181Length(Copper)Link length supported for copper, units of meters
              20-3516Vendor NameSFP+ vendor name
              37-393Vendor OUISFP+ transceiver vendor OUI ID
              40-5516Vendor PNPart Number
              56-594Vendor revRevision level for part number
              631CCIDLeast significant byte of sum of data in address 0-62
              Extended ID Fields
              64-652OptionIndicates which optical SFP signals are implemented(001Ah = LOS, TX_FAULT, TX_DISABLE all supported)
              661BR, maxUpper bit rate margin, units of %
              671BR, minLower bit rate margin, units of %
              68-8316Vendor SNSerial number (ASCII)
              84-918Date codeManufacturing date code
              951CCEXCheck code for the extended ID Fields (addresses 64 to 94)
              Vendor Specific ID Fields
              96-12732Readablespecific date, read only
              128-255128ReservedReserved for SFF-8079

              Digital Diagnostic Monitor Characteristics
              Data AddressParameterAccuracyUnit
              96-97Transceiver Internal Temperature±3.0°C
              98-99VCC3 Internal Supply Voltage±3.0%
              100-101Laser Bias Current ±10%
              102-103Tx Output Power ±3.0dB
              104-105Rx Input Power±3.0dB

              Regulatory Compliance
              The SFP+ complies with international Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and international safety requirements and standards (see details in Table following).
              Regulatory Compliance
              Electrostatic discharge(ESD)IEC/EN 61000-4-2Compatible with standards
              Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)FCC Part 15 Class B EN 55022 Class B (CISPR 22A)Compatible with standards
              Laser Eye SafetyFDA 21CFR 1040.10, 1040.11 IEC/EN 60825-1,2Class 1 laser product
              Component RecognitionIEC/EN 60950 ,ULCompatible with standards
              ROHS2002/95/ECCompatible with standards
              EMCEN61000-3Compatible with standards

              Netgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver ModuleNetgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver Module
              Netgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver Module
              Netgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver ModuleNetgear C50 DWDM-SFP10g-37.40-I Compatible 10g DWDM SFP+ 100GHz 1537.40nm 80km Industrial Dom Transceiver Module

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